Treating a common cold
For this ailment goes as well that medication isn’t needed. A common cold will pass on it’s own. However, there are a couple of things that you can do to relieve the symptoms and with this the discomfort you kid experiences.
Are there any solutions for this?
For sure, there are enough ways which can relieve the symptoms. Below you can find a couple:
Nose drops and noses pray
Does your kid suffer of a stuffed nose especially and at night? Use nose drops for relief. For kids under the age of 6 just nose drops based on salted water. The nose drops and sprays based on xylometazoline that you would yourself as an adult, are not suitable for kids under the age of 6. They can get rare, but severe side effects from these. Children older than the age of 6 who experience a serious amount of complaints caused by a stuffed nose can use xylometazoline to help reduce the swelling of the mucous membrane. Don’t use this longer than 1 week. If used to often or too long it can damage the mucous membranes. Xylometazoline is available at your local pharmacist or your drugstore.
Inhalation patch
With a worsened breathing and to relieve possible stuffiness, an inhalation patch containing ethereal oils can relieve the nose and improve breathing. These patches are suitable for children from the age of 2 and you apply the patch onto the clothes nearby the chest area. Never directly on the body. They are easily applicable and removable, the realesed vapors help to free the airways and sinuses and can provide a vaporized effect up to 8 hours and makes sure that your baby will sleep better. And so will you!
Cold balm
A cold balm can be applied as a inhalation ointment on the chest and back a couple of times a day and especially before bedtime to relieve a worsened breathing and possible stuffiness. Vapors are releaved to help free the airways and sinuses. After the applicaton your kid will experience a sensation of relief. Never apply this ointment directly on the nose or around the eyes by the way. This will cause an irritating reaction as a result from the ingredients such as menthol. Inhalation ointment is suitable for children from the age of 2.
And don’t forget about the onion under the bed
Yesssss, this was the advice that I got regularly and actually applied: a raw onion cut in half under the bed. Apparently, the aroma of the onion does more then you might think. If you think of the tears you shed yourself when cutting them it loosens a lot more then you would have expected. This in combination with elevating the bed was a regular routine in our home. By elevating the bed and so sleeping in a more upwards position, provided the kids with more relief which made them sleep better. Doesn’t help, it will definitelty not hurt trying!