Treating eczema
Kids with eczema have a different fat compostion in the skin from origin: the skin is more dry. Therefor the first step is to take care of the skin with a neutral, fatty cream that you apply once or twice a day on the skin to prevent dehydration. “Neutral” in this case means that it contains no medication. These creams ensure that the skin will retain more water/moist and will protect the skin from itching and irritation.
Examples of neutral creams:
- Cetomacrogol ointment or cream
- Lanette ointment or cream
- Vaselinecetamacrogol cream
- Vaselinelanette cream
- Cooling cream (unguentum leniens)
Salve the eczema affected areas according to its needs and keep nourishing the skin after repair. This way the eczema will keep quiet and your little one too.
Using corticosteroids
In some cases, in case of persistent eczema, for example when you do not achieve the desired result with a neutral, greasy cream, the doctor can temporarily prescribe an ointment, cream or vaseline cream with corticosteroids. This is a hormone based cream. These inhibit the inflammatory reaction in the skin and also help against the itching.
Do you use corticosteroids to treat eczema and do you want to use a neutral ointment or cream for skin care? Then wait at least an hour before applying it.
Breast feeding reduces the change for eczema
Oh and last but not least, I have read once that breast feading could reduce the chance on eczema. I don’t know, with my son it didn’t work in the 4 months that I managed to do so but anyway, prevention is better than having to cure so it might be worth the try.